Natascha Style Utensils |
Dulany Lingo is a mother of 2 from Texas and was a glass artist for many years before she discovered polymer clay. When she moved to Colorado in the 90's she built a large studio and started doing all the things she wanted to do for years - photography, wood boxes, quilting, knitting and changing surfaces on just about everything.

Polymer clay is her primary passion at the moment and even though having successes and failures she can't seem to go more than a couple of weeks without wanting to try something new (aren't we all?).
She has several favourite techniques but she also like B&W colours, stamping, extruding and so many more! After experiencing with art galleries "politics", as she calls it, in the past, a local gallery encouraged her to sell her polymer clay work which is very successful. Her flatware are wonderful! So colourful, happy and joyous! Loved her Natascha style! Don't miss her other designs, a real treat.
Peel-Off-Silicon-Molds |
Creative Mold people (Russia) are "playing" with molds as well as polymer clay.
Maria Kosava, an artist familiar with many materials, is the designer of these molds and textures.
In one of her
free tutorials she is demonstrating the use of liquid clay (she mentions FIMO gel as a better choice) along with metallic powder or other pigments of your choice, placed on her molds thouroughly , carefully discarding leftovers and then baked in a pre-heated oven (just like a regular silicon tray we use for baking) for 15 minutes.
The result is a beautiful colourful, flexible, 3D sheet which can be used in your final polymer clay projects.
Russian and in
English (hope the translate works)
Polymer Clay Tree Ornament - A new galaxy? |
Have you seen this "out of this world" tree ornament?
"WingOfClay" (Adrienne Lojeck) posted her galactic tutorial experiment, using red glass ornament, pointy tools and copper paint! Thank you Adrienne!
After |
Before |
Ora Mazor, a polymer clay artist from Israel is using her polymer skills to upgrade an old rocking chair into a beautiful polymer mosaic one.
In her Pinterest board, she shares her item renewal projects, small furniture mostly, by using a variety of techniques and coatings: polymer clay, stones, ceramics, glass and more. Time consuming but worth it!
Irina's wooden bracelets bases |
Last useful link to spend money (I'm guilty!) is Ukraine
Irina's wooden beads and bracelets blanks. I already ordered several and would experiment with it as soon as it arrives (*have to find free time). Their unique forms and shapes seems perfect for polymer clay covering and their weight may be light enough to carry it. I shall have to be patient and see.
Another large scale project is at my door step (not a tutorial this time), I hope to post photos as I go, meanwhile I am warming myself in the evenings in front of the tv with my granny square project which is slowly growing. 40 squares are ready, 100 to go. I guess by the time winter is over, my blanket will be ready. :)
Keep warm!