Polymeri Online 25.4.14 | Cabochonmania, Filigree Playdoh, Polymer mind games, Ceramic molds & Lady Gaga in Fimo
This Italian artist (his/her name?) mentioned the cabochons are handmade of all kind of materials and styles - soutache, miyuki, embroidery,
wire wrapped, bead embroidery, resin and many of them resembles polymer clay to my eyes.

Idit is a master artist in sculpturing and teaches classes.
Her millefiori adventures are probably her way to experiment and be inspired.

The project is copyrighter to http://squzy.com which is a russian website for crafters sharing their ideas, tutorials and articles.

Do you carry a piece of clay with your anywhere so that if something pops up you'll be able to copy its beauty into your clay?
I always think about it but never really took the clay with me :)
Nancy's ceramic beads are to die for, so vivid, colourful, vibrant and elegant!
Italian artist Umberto Mulignano (Fimo's love) created a replica of Lady Gaga in her video G.U.Y. .
Since lady Gaga herself is not a shy person to say the least, you'd know what to expect. Many of his figures are inspired by her many faces and costumes. Umberto is a cake topper and a miniaturist.
Checkout his youtube channel for more of his work - http://www.youtube.com/fimoslove
Those of you getting ready to EuroSynergy - Have a great journey!
See you all soon and have a great weekend!
Really thx uuuuu!!! I can't believe it!!! I don't know this article!!! Thx u!!! Fimo's LOVE