Polymeri Online 15.3.07
Food and Delights!
Betsy Niederer Miniatures -
Betsy calls her creations Delicious Delights for Dolls but i can think of some more fun use for these cute items:
Flickr photos from BEEZY's photo stream,made of polymer clay, from Chatuchak Market, Bangkok
http://www.flickr.com/photos/beezy/55062594/in/photostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/beezy/52666083/
Mr.X 's Secret Zone -
and tutorials (in Japanese)
Bertha Wong with her Chinese Cuisine in Miniatures
And scroll a little to see these sweet Bonbons beads!http://marianes.canalblog.com/archives/2007/02/21/4085877.html
Thanks for the great links! There were a few pages there that I'd never seen before. What a treat! :o)