This week we're all about free online tutorials!
It's been a while since I visited the Polymer clay Russian community and my recent visit filled my basket with links.
Mirror pocket by Bimur |
First is
Annie Bimur with a new tutorial, this time for a feathered style mirror she calls "winter evening".
This is a slow, accurate process of using liquid polymer clay and a needle tool to create the fine feathers effect but the final result is so delicate and beautiful. Winter it is.
Annie was
mentioned here with her alcohol rings tutorial.
More goodies in her blog -
Polymer clay hairy cat tutorial |
If you thought the previous link demands your full concentration and accuracy, take a look at this super cute project of a cat brooch.
Anna Oriona takes us into a journey of tiny bits of clay pressed slowly around a clay cat, initially cut from a card board template. These tiny clay bits looks like tiny hair! What a lovely brooch to wear on a jacket!
Anna is usually into sweets (both in her Youtube channel and blog) but from time to time she shares the process of her creation of other polymer clay goods.
In her Youtube channel you will find information about her knitted bracelet process and much more. Although in Russian, we are so fortunate the polymer language is international.
Easy way to line up your polymer clay beads |
Tonja Lenderman posted
Vicki's Turner blog link on how to pierce consist holes in your beads when it comes to 2 or 3 holes in a single bead.
In her technique you can line up holes on irregular shaped beads using a tool she created. The pins she is using to create this tool are old T shaped macrame pins but I am sure you can find an alternative to these.
Polymer clay bread recipe |
Polymer clay bread? Now possible. (Stella) is offering us a tutorial for creating a bread made of polymer clay, liquid clay and....water & baking soda! According to her recipe you should mix clay with water until is is very sticky, then add baking soda (mind the proportion!) and bake. The final result looks like a loaf of bread. Where is the peanut butter??!
polymer clay stencils |
Last stencils left in my Etsy store!
After many of you asked about the stencils used in the
Cosmic Ceramic tutorial, I brought some for sale.
The stencils were offered on a first comes first serves basis and were a hit!
Only 7 styles left (out of 24)!
Stencils used on the cosmic ceramic tutorial |
They are 6 inches or 15 cm sized, self adhesive, flexible and great for your polymer clay, fabric, glass, wood and card making projects. Instructions how to neutralise the sticky side to use on clay will be included in your package.
Stencils used on the
cosmic ceramic tutorial |
I am not sure when I am re-stocking so if you want one - go ahead and get it.
Have great weekend!