Polymeri Online 23.10.06
Claudine Roelens from Belgium -
For as long as she can remember, she has been very creative, after doing many other things she started her doll making, she was a real bookworm, read all the fairy tales, and later on loads of romantic novels. That must explain the fairy like and romantic look of her work.
since she was a busy mother she used books to teach herself, artists like : Joke Grobben, Hildegard Günzel, Marlaine Verhelst.
..."But , not taking classes, has it up sides too. You develop your own style much quicker.
I used to make very large doll. It's a lot easier to apply details in a larger face, than in a small one. My favorite clay used to be airdrying clay la doll, and later on premier."
I used to make very large doll. It's a lot easier to apply details in a larger face, than in a small one. My favorite clay used to be airdrying clay la doll, and later on premier."
don't miss her tutorial and gallery plus student work.
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